Welcome to Legend of the Green Dragon, a browser based role playing game, based on Seth Able's Legend of the Red Dragon.
The current time in Storm Valley is 6:24 pm.
Next new game day in: 0h, 27m, 56s (real time)
The newest resident of the realm is: Centurioness Elainria
Soaring high over Storm Valley, you can see 12,363 Dragon banners whipped about in the wind.
The most recent warrior to destroy the Penguin Overlord is: BrookLynn
The most recent hero of the realm is: Centurioness Elainria
Today's weather is expected to be foggy.
Enter your name and password to enter the realm.
Long ago dragons were rampaging against humans, in the years that passed heroes arose and challenged these dragons, fighting them back one by one. Until the dragons of evil were pushed back into the darkest corners of the wilderness. But in all this, th
Game server running version: 1.1.1 Dragonprime Edition